
New and Notable

Lindsay, I., & Kong, N. N. (2020). Using the ArcGIS Collector Mobile App for Settlement Survey Data Collection in Armenia. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 8(4), 322–336.

Khatchadourian, L. 2020. Education Beyond Preservation: An Archaeological Camp for Girls in Armenia. Near Eastern Archaeology.

Badalyan, R., A. Greene, A., Harutyunyan, A., Khatchadourian, L., Lindsay, I., Smith, A.T. 2020. Project ArAGATS 1998-2018: Twenty Years of Archaeological Investigations into the Bronze and Iron Ages of Armenia. Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies.

Khatchadourian, L. 2016. Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires. University of California Press.

Smith, Adam T. 2015. The Political Machine: Assembling Authority in the Bronze Age South Caucasus. Princeton University Press.

Badalyan, R., A.T. Smith, I. Lindsay, A. Harutyunyan, A. Greene, M. Marshall, B. Monahan and R. Hovsepyan
2015   A Preliminary Report on the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan.

F. Jude, D. Marguerie, R. Badalyan, A. T. Smith and A. Delwaide
2015    Wood resource management based on charcoals from the Bronze Age site of Gegharot (central Armenia).  Quaternary International.

Khatchadourian, Lori 2014 Empire in the Everyday: A Preliminary Report on the 2008–2011 Excavations at Tsaghkahovit, Armenia. American Journal of Archaeology 118(1):137-169.

Greene, A. F. and I. Lindsay 2013      Relationality, Institutions, and Territorial Commitments among Late Bronze Age Polities in the Southern Caucasus. In Territoriality in Archaeology: The Politics of Land and Space, edited by Parker VanValkenburgh and James Osborne. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.

Khatchadourian, L. 2013   An Archaeology of Hegemony: The Achaemenid Empire and the Remaking of the Fortress in the Armenian Highlands. In Empires and Complexity: On the Crossroads of Archaeology, History and Anthropology, edited by G. Areshian. Cotsen Institue Press, Los Angeles.

Lindsay, I. and A. Greene
2013    Sovereignty, Mobility, and Political Cartographies in Late Bronze Age Southern Caucasia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. Available online:

Lindsay, I., A. T. Smith and R. Badalyan
In press Preliminary Report on a Gradiometry Survey at the Late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement of Tsaghkahovit, Northwestern Armenia. Archaeological Prospection.

Smith, Adam T. and Jeffrey Leon
Forthcoming Divination and Sovereignty: The Late Bronze Age Shrines at Gegharot, Armenia. American Journal of Archaeology.

Books and Monographs

The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies, Volume 1: The Foundations of Research and Regional Survey in the Tsaghkahovit Plain
by Adam T. Smith, Ruben Badalyan, & Pavel Avetisyan (with contributions by Alan Greene and Leah Minc)

Bronze and Early Iron Age Archaeological Sites in Armenia, volume 1: Mt. Aragats and its Surrounding Region
by R. S. Badalyan and P. S. Avetisyan

The Political Landscape: Constellations of Authority in Early Complex Polities
By Adam T. Smith

The Archaeology of Power and Politics in Eurasia: Regimes and Revolutions
Edited by Charles Hartley, G. Bike Yazicioğlu

Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology
Edited by Laura Popova, Charles Hartley, and Adam T. Smith

Beyond the Steppe and the Sown: Proceedings of the 2002 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology
Edited by David Peterson, Laura Popova, and Adam T. Smith

Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond
Edited by Adam T. Smith and Karen S. Rubinson  

Research Reports

Avetisyan, P., R. Badalyan, and A. T. Smith
2000         Preliminary Report on the 1998 Archaeological Investigations of Project ArAGATS in the Tsakahovit Plain, Armenia. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici42(1):19-59.

Badalyan, R. S., P. Avetisyan and A. T. Smith
2005         Svyatilishche Pozdnego Bronzovogo Veka Gekharota. In Hin Hayastani Mshakooyte XIII, edited by A. A. Kalantaryan, R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan, pp. 109-115. Mughni, Yerevan.

Badalyan, R., P. Avetisyan and A. T. Smith
2004         Proekt ArAGATS—Issledovanie Pamyatnikov Pozdnego Bronzovogo Beka v Tsakhkaovitskoj Ravninie. In Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchnaya Konferentsiya «Arkheologiya, Etnologiya, Fol’kloristika Kavkaza» Sbornik Kratkikh Soderzhanij Dokladov, pp. 34-35. Nekeri, Tbilisi.

Badalyan, R. S., A. T. Smith and P. S. Avetisyan
2003         The Emergence of Socio-Political Complexity in Southern Caucasia. InArchaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond, edited by A. T. Smith and K. Rubinson, pp. 144-166. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, Los Angeles.

Badalyan, R., A. T. Smith, I. Lindsay, L. Khatchadourian and P. Avetisyan
2008         Village, Fortress, and Town in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2003-2006 Investigations of Project ArAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 40:45-105.

Badalyan, R. S., A. F. Greene, and A. T. Smith
n.d.   Raskopi Poseleniya Aragatsi Berd: Rezultati Rabot 2006, 2008 gg. [The Aragats Fortress Excavations: Results of the 2006, 2008 work]. Hin Hayastani Mshakuyte [Ancient Armenian Culture] 15.

Greene, A.
2012 Where Pottery and Politics Meet: Mundane Objects and Complex Political Life in the Late Bronze Age South Caucasus. In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu and A. T. Smith, pp. 302-321. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Khatchadourian, L.
2008         Social Logics Under Empire: The Armenian ‘Highland Satrapy’ and Achaemenid Rule, ca. 600-300 BC, Interdisciplinary Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Lindsay, I.
2006         Late Bronze Age Power Dynamics in Southern Caucasia: A Community Perspective on Political Landscapes. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Anthropology.

2005 Yuzhnaya Chast’ Nizhnego Kvartala Tsakhkaovitskogo Poseleniya v Pozdnem Bronzovom Beke (Predvaritel’nie rezul’taty raskopok 2003 g.). In Hin Hayastani Mshakooyte XIII, edited by A. A. Kalantaryan, R. Badalyan and P. Avetisyan, pp. 116-124. Mughni, Yerevan.

2004 Results from the Inaugural Season of Excavations at Tsaghkahovit South Lower Town, Armenia. In Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchnaya Konferentsiya «Arkheologiya, Etnologiya, Fol’kloristika Kavkaza» Sbornik Kratkikh Soderzhanij Dokladov, pp. 85-86. Nekeri, Tbilisi.

Marshall, M.
2012 Processes and Practices of Death: Toward a Bioarchaeology of Dynamic Societies. In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu and A. T. Smith, pp. 157-172. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Monahan, B. H.
2012 Beastly Goods: Pastoral Production in the Late Bronze Age Tsaghkahovit Plain. In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu and A. T. Smith, pp. 337-347. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

2008 Nomadism in the Early Bronze Age Southern Caucasus: The Faunal Perspective. In Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology, edited by L. Popova, C. Hartley and A. T. Smith. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle.

Smith, A. T.
2012 The Prehistory of an Urartian Landscape. In Biainili-Urartu: The Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Munich 12-14 October 2007, edited by S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf and P. Zimansky, pp. 39-52. Peeters, Leuven.

Smith, A. T., R. S. Badalyan and P. S. Avetisyan
2005         Southern Caucasia During the Late Bronze Age: An Interim Report on the Regional Investigations of Project ArAGATS in Western Armenia. InAnatolian Iron Ages: Proceedings of the fifth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Van, 6-10 August 2001, edited by A. Çilingiroglu and G. Darbyshire, pp. 175-185. The British Institute at Ankara, Ankara.

Smith, A. T., R. Badalyan, P. Avetisyan and M. Zardaryan
2004         Early Complex Societies in Southern Caucasia: A Preliminary Report on the 2002 Investigations by Project ArAGATS on the Tsakahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia. American Journal of Archaeology 108:1-41.

Smith, A. T., R. Badaljan and P. Avetissian
1999         The Crucible of Complexity. Discovering Archaeology 1(2):48-55.

Related Publications by ArAGATS Members

Avetisyan, H. G. and P. S. Avetisyan
2006         Araratyan Dashti Mshakuyte m.t.a. XI-VI Darerum. Yerevani Hamalsaranumi Hratarakchutyun, Yerevan.

Avetisyan, P.
2003         Hayastani Mijin Bronzi Zhamanakagrutyoone ev Pulabazhanoome (Avtoreferat Kandidatskoe Dissertatsii). Akademiya Nauk, Yerevan.

Badalyan, R., C. Chataigner and P. L. Kohl
2004         Trans-Caucasian Obsidian: The Exploitation of the Sources and Their Distribution. In A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney, edited by A. Sagona, pp. 437-465. Peeters, Leuven.

Badalyan, R., P. Lombard, C. Chataigner and P. Avetisyan
2004         The Neolithic and Chalcolithic Phases in the Ararat Plain (Armenia): The View from Aratashen. In A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney, edited by A. Sagona, pp. 399-420. Peeters, Leuven.

Badalyan, R. S.
2002         Obsidian Kavkaza: Istochniki i Rasprostranenie Cyr’ya v Epokhu Neolita-Rannego Zheleza. Avtoreferat, Academy of Sciences,Yerevan.

2002         Obsidian Kavkaza: Istochniki i Rasprostranenie Cyr’ya v Epokhu Neolita-Rannego Zheleza. Avtoreferat, Academy of Sciences,Yerevan.

2003         Rannebronzovoe Poselenie Aparan III. Drevhejshaya Kul’tura Armenii3:20-26.

Badalyan, R. S., P. Avetisyan, P. Lombard and C. Chataigner
2005         Poselenie Aratashen. Kul’tura Drevney Armenii XIII:34-41.

Greene, A. F. and C. W. Hartley
2009         From Analog to Digital: Protocols and Program for a Systematic Digital Radiography of Archaeological Pottery. In Proceedings of the Conference EMAC ’07 9th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, 24-27 October 2007, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary, edited by K. Biró, V. Szilágyi, and A. Kreiter, pp. 5-14. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest.

Khatchadourian, L.

2008         Unforgettable Landscapes: Attachments to the Past in Hellenistic Armenia. In Negotiating the Past in the Past: Identity, Memory, and Landscape in Archaeological Theory, edited by N. Yoffee, pp. 43-75.University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2011         Holding Down the Fort: Dynamics of Late Bronze Age Community Formation and Political Landscape Production in the Southern Caucasus. In The Archeaology of Politics: The Materiality of Political Practice and Action in the Past, edited by P.G. Johanson and A.M. Bauer, pp.151-177. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

2007         The Tsaghkahovit South Lower Town, Armenia: Recent Excavations at a late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement. In Social Orders and Social landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chciago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology, edited by L. Popova, C. Hartley, and A.T. Smith, pp. 253-275. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Lindsay, I.
2012   Recent Methodological and Technical Advances in the Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Residential Complexes, Tsaghkahovit Plain. In Archaeology of Armenia in the Regional Context: Achievements and Perspectives, edited by P. Avetisyan and G. Areshian. Academy of Sciences Press, Yerevan.

Lindsay, I., L. Minc, C. Descantes, R. J. Speakman, and M. D. Glascock
2008         Exchange Patterns, Boundary Formation, and Sociopolitical Change in Late Bronze Age Southern Caucasia: Preliminary Results from a Pottery Provenance Study in Northwestern Armenia. Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 1673-1682.

Lindsay, I. and A. T. Smith
2006         A History of Archaeological Practices in Armenia and the South Caucasus. Journal of Field Archaeolgy 31(2):165-184.

Lindsay, I., A. T. Smith, and R. Badalyan
2010         Magnetic Survey in the Investigation of Sociopolitical Change at a Late Bronze Age Fortress Settlement in Northwestern Armenia.Archaeological Prospection, 17(1): 15-27.

Marshall, M. E.
2014         Becoming Bioarchaeology? Traditions of Physical Anthropology and Archaeology in Armenia. In Archaeological Human Remains: Global Perspective,edited by Barra O’Donnabhain and Maria Cecilia Lozada Cerna, p. 29-40. Springer.

Marshall, M. E. and R. Mkrtchyan
2011         Armenia/Hayastan. In The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation: An international guide to laws and practice of in the excavation and treatment of human remains,edited by Nicholas Marquez Grant and Lind Fibiger, p. 19-34. Routledge, Oxford.

Smith, A. T.
1996         Imperial Archipelago: The Making of the Urartian Landscape inSouthern Transcaucasia. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.

1998         Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Fortresses of the Ararat and Shirak Plains,Armenia: Typological Considerations. Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 5(2):73-97.

1999         The Making of an Urartian Landscape in Southern Transcaucasia: A Study of Political Architectonics. American Journal of Archaeology103(1):45-71.

2000         Rendering the Political Aesthetic: Ideology and Legitimacy in Urartian Representations of the Built Environment. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19:131-163.

2001         The Limitations of Doxa: Agency and Subjectivity from an Archaeological Point of View. Journal of Social Archaeology1(2):155-171.

2004         Iron Age Caucasia. In Ancient Europe 8000 B.C.-A.D.1000: Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World, edited by P. Bogucki and P. J. Crabtree, pp. 303-311. Scribers, New York.

2006         Prometheus Unbound: Southern Caucasia in Prehistory. Journal of World Prehistory 19(4):229-279.

2006         Urartian Spectacle: Authority, Subjectivity, and Aesthetic Politics. In Spectacle, Performance, and Power in Premodern Complex Society, edited by T. Inomata and L. Coben, pp. 103-134. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek.

2012 The Caucasus and the Near East. In A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, edited by D. T. Potts, pp. 668-686. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.

2012 ‘Yerevan, My Ancient Erebuni’: Archaeological Repertoires, Public Assemblages, and the Manufacture of a (Post-)Soviet Nation. In Regimes and Revolutions: Power, Violence, and Labor in Eurasia Between the Ancient and the Modern, edited by C. Hartley, G. B. Yazıcıoğlu and A. T. Smith, pp. 57-77. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Smith, A. T. and T. T. Thompson
2004         Urartu and the Southern Caucasian Political Tradition. In A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney, edited by A. Sagona, pp. 557-580. Peeters, Leuven.